Minimum Required 8 Board Member Positions:


  • Attend monthly District meetings

  • Lead Monthly CLL Board Meetings

  • Set the agenda for meetings

  • Meet with umpire associations in valley

  • Attend Rules clinic in Spring

  • Sets Annual Budget

  • Reserve Fields for practices and games

  • Coordinate with interleague policies for various divisions

  • Create practice schedules and game schedules

  • Receive and respond to official communications

  • Check PO Box every other week

  • Player Verifications for each season

  • Present during spring season draft

  • Coordinates summer all star program with district

Vice President:

  • Oversees Committees

  • Helps in presidential capacity when directed

  • Field Allocations and Fields Survey

  • Create Board Member on Duty Schedule

  • Reserves Fields for practices and games


  • Receive and pay invoices

  • Give monthly account of the League’s financials

  • Check PO Box every other week

  • Taxes must be filed with accountant by mid February every year

  • Reserve Fields for practices and games in coordination with Vice President


  • Record official Board Meeting Minutes- email to info and district 4. Post on website

  • Respond to info emails, flagging important ones for president

  • Update Little League Data Center: BoD, charter, inter league info

  • Record General Membership roster and create cards

  • Update Board of Directors with NV secretary of state

  • Send and verify background checks through Sports Connect and JDP

Player Agent:

  • Player Verifications for each season

  • Create Teams in Sports Connect each season

  • Conduct player evaluations for spring season

  • Leads the spring season draft

  • Oversees summer all stars program: tryouts, selection process, paperwork verification

Safety Officer:

  • Responsible for collecting and scanning medical release forms

  • Creates ASAP plan and uploads to Little League Data Center

  • Check equipment out and in each season. Verify working order of equipment. IF an Equipment Manager exists, assists with equipment release and return

  • Incident Reports and Field Conditions

Coaching Coordinator:

*May act as Equipment Manager if that position is not filled 

  • Creates teams and helps recruit coaches

  • Leads coaches meeting; overview of rules for each division

  • Present at player evaluations for spring season and All Stars

  • Oversees summer all stars program for coaches: tryouts, selection process, paperwork verification

Umpire in Chief:

  • Recruits and retains volunteer umpires, as well as paid umpires

  • Rules expert

  • Enforces Code of Conduct for Coaches, Players, and Parents

  • Umpires games for League 

  • Attends district, state, and regional trainings

Additional Director Positions: 

Concessions Manager:

  • Oversees Snack Shack

  • Purchases needed supplies

  • Updated inventory in iPad

  • Coordinates volunteer coverage

Team Parent Coordinator:

  • Explains duties to parent volunteers

  • Fields questions as needed

  • Creates letter to email out to team parents

  • Coordinate silent auction baskets for opening day

Technology Director/Information Officer:

  • Updates website and social media

  • Creates Registration settings for age brackets

  • Responds to parent inquiries as needed

  • Uploads rosters and game schedules in csv format for Game Changer and Sports Connect

  • Set up and manage the league’s official website (site authorized by Little League International);

  • Set up online registration and ensure player, manager, and coach data is uploaded to the Little League Data Center;

  • Assign online administrative rights to other local volunteers;

  • Ensure that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis;

  • Collect, post, and distribute important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities, the district, the public, league members, and the media;

  • Serves as primary contact person for Little League regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members and to Little League Baseball, Incorporated.

Sponsorship/Social Media Coordinator:

  • Recruits sponsors for League

  • Tracks sponsors, Sponsor post, dates of check

  •  Solicit and secures local sponsorships to support league operations;

  • Collect and reviews sponsorship and opportunities;

  • Social media post for sponsors

  • Coordinate sponsor plaques

  • Coordinate sponsor team assignment 

Marketing/Fundraising Director:

  • Oversee new player recruitment efforts;

  • Develop and maintain a league marketing plan focused on player recruitment and retention;

  • Oversee efforts to market new divisions of play and initiatives offered by the league;

  • Work with local media to promote the interests of Little League;

  •  Coordinate efforts to make the local league visible in the community year-round.

  • Collect and reviews fundraising opportunities;

  • Organize and implements approved league fundraising activities;

  • Coordinate participation in fundraising activities;

  • Maintain records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.

Field Maintenance Director & Co-Field Maintenance Director :

  • These directors are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the leagues fields. 

  • They are responsible for ordering any supplies needed in the upkeep/maintenance of the field complex. 

  • They are responsible for organizing and coordinating the efforts of field maintenance crews. 

  • They are also responsible for organizing and running field maintenance days with league volunteers.

Equipment Manager:

  • All Uniform orders to include uniform number coordination and sponsor names

  • Responsible for keeping a detailed up-to-date inventory of all equipment and is responsible for allocating equipment and balls to teams at the beginning of the season and is also responsible for their collection at the end of the season to also include umpire equipment and safety kit contents for regular season, post-season and tournament play

  • Orders Medals/Trophies

  • Coordinates with the sponsorship chair for sponsor designations to teams

Local Sponsors