all stars 2024 costs breakdown.pdf

  • Cheyenne is 100% volunteer run. This means that everyone that is involved in making the league run smoothly, from the executive board to the managers, are parents like yourselves volunteering their time to make this league great. Please consider finding as many ways as possible to contribute to CLL!
  • Volunteer expectations
    Every CLL family is expected to volunteer in some capacity throughout the year.
  • The most common form of volunteering is to work a few shifts in the Snack Shack: this is considered mandatory for families that are not already working as a Team Manager or Team Parent.
  • Other volunteer opportunities
  • Aside from working in the Snack Shack, there are many other fun ways to contribute to CLL:
    Managing or coaching a team
    Being Team Parent: coordinating team activities, helping organize in the dugout during games
    Scorekeeping: For Minor A games and above, keeping the official game score (Refer to training page)


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